Friday, January 10, 2014

10 Surprising Social Media Statistics...

Here is an article I found on that is a fun and informative!


·       The fastest growing demographic on Twitter is the 54-64 year age bracket

·       189 million Facebook Users are “mobile only”

·       You Tube reaches more US adults age 18-34 than any cable network

·       Every second two new members join Linked In

·       Social Media has overtaken porn as the #1 activity on the Web

·       Linked In Has  lower percentage of active users than Pinterest, Google+, Twitter and Facebook

·       93% of marketers use social media for business

·       25% of smartphone owners ages 18-44 say they can’t recall the last time their smartphone wasn’t next to them

·       Even though 62% of marketers blog or plan to blog, only 9% of US marketing companies employ a full time blogger

·       25% of Facebook users don’t bother with privacy settings

Enjoy and here’s to a successful 2014.


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