Marketing is the process of getting your message in front of a qualified sales prospect multiple times
(Marketing automation is the process of getting your message in front of a qualified sales prospect multiple times with little or no work on your part.)
The Law of Familiarity
The Law of Familiarity shows us that the first step in securing a new customer is that your brand must be familiar to them. The more familiar you are, the more likely they will give you a chance to do business with them.
Familiar Means Safe
Who makes the best hamburger in your town?
McDonald’s? Not a chance.
In Toledo it is Burger Bar. Or Bar 145.
No one would select McDonald’s.
Now imagine you are on vacation and driving the family to the beach.
You pull off the interstate for lunch. On the left is a local restaurant - Burger Bar.
Which do you pick?
Why? Because it is safe. You know it is not the best, but you know what to expect.
This is The Law of Familiarity.
Familiarity Takes Time
Have you ever heard a song that you liked enough to buy the CD?
Only to think the rest of the CD “sucks”?
But you continued to listen it?
Soon you knew the words to the third track.
Then the seventh track started sounding pretty good.
Before you know it, “This is a great CD!”
This is The Law of Familiarity.
Familiar Means Taking Action
Ever wonder why politicians spend so much just advertising their name?
What other "business" do you know that would use thousands of yard signs?
Do you really know anything about the person running for the Clerk of Courts? Appellate Judge? City Clerk?
And at Decision Time, Familiarity Wins.
This is The Law of Familiarity.
In today's fast paced, results oriented environment, it is easy to over look this important marketing truth, but your sales results will be greatly enhanced if you adhere to this proven technique.
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