eMarketer reports "US Hispanic mobile buyers also are more inclined to use their devices to research products with online product reviews as their most valued resource. While 53% of Hispanic mobile buyers looked for online product reviews on their smartphones and tablets, just 44% of non-Hispanics did the same."
For the savvy marketer, this simply reminds us that the "very best marketing comes from observing consumer behavior and inserting your message into their behavior".
Digital marketing has evolved to the point that we are hunting consumers, rather than simply waiting for them to find us. Everyday, it becomes more difficult to simply launch a web site and employ SEO tactics and see site traffic and sales rise. Part of your marketing plan has to include digital hunting.
One of the reasons programmatic buying is so scary for publishers is that it undermines the value buyers see in their web site. For years we have sold our web sites as an "audience of 'fill in the blank' and the best way to reach this audience is to buy our web site.
Programmatic buying starts with the buyer "observing consumer behavior" determining the audience they want to "insert their message into their behavior". They are buying specific consumer behaviors, not web sites. If your web site contains these consumers, great. If not, we are chasing behavior not web sites. Pass.
And in today's market, programmatic buying yields a lower CPM to the average publisher than selling the web site brand.
We have to change with the times and the technology. As Will Rogers reminds us, “Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.”
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