Friday, October 3, 2014

Google 4 Wheel Drive Diversified

I was reading an article earlier today that talked about how you no longer needed to put a "Click Here" button in a display ad. "People know that you can click on an ad and it will take you to there advertiser's web site."  And it got me to thinking...

When I worked for the Local Fox Toledo station, I had a client who ran the most interesting TV campaign that I was ever involved with.  He bought short TV commercials - 5 seconds as I remember.  The message was easy to remember.  "Google 4 Wheel Drive Diversified".  

He knew he did not have a large budget and could not afford 30 second TV spots.  He could not pick and choose when his spots ran.  So he gave me a budget and said every time you can run one of my spots, do it.  Some months he had 100 spots.  Some he had 17.  And his web address was difficult to get out in 5 seconds and it certainly wasn't easy to remember -

But he knew that Google would remember the address for him.

And the campaign drove a lot of traffic to his web site.

So I am going to try to use this approach in a digital format. For a client (to be named later) I am going to run a targeted display campaign that says "Need help with...  Google insert a client's name here".  To drive traffic to the client's web site.  

Bet it works.  I'll report back.

"Cruise it, use it or abuse it."

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