Friday, February 28, 2014

How Internet Ads Work or "I am Watching You!"

Probably the single most frequent question I am asked is some variation of How does Internet advertising work?" "Why do I keep seeing the same ad on multiple web sites? Are they following me?"

Yes they are. 

Here is a link to an interesting slide show that walks you through the progression of how ads are served up to you on web sites.  “The very best marketing comes from observing consumer behavior and inserting your message into their behavior.”  And today’s ad servers follow this principle to the letter… 

As soon as you visit a web site, the ad server is looking at you.  Not you specifically, but it is looking at the cookies on your hard drive, building a profile of the individual who uses the computer.  Every web site you visit drops a cookie (a small piece of code used for tracking) on your computer.  In most cases, it is your profile that determines which ad is place on a web site during your visit.  Visit a lot of health related sites and you are likely to see ads for medical practices.  Looking at the latest fashion?  Ads for Nordstrom’s, Zappos and even Amazon will show up.

Search retargeting works much the same way.  Ad servers pour over your search history and serve up ads based on your actions. 

If you prefer some to maintain some privacy, it is a simple process to eliminate these cookies.  Here is the link showing you how to delete existing cookies on a PC.  However, keep in mind that if you delete all cookies, you may find that a web site requiring a user name and password will ask you to provide your credentials every time you visit.  No more automatically recognizing you when you appear.

This same link will also show you how to block cookies from being placed on your computer.  The downside is that many web sites today simply will not allow you to visit their site without allowing cookies, so there is a tradeoff.   A more practical approach will be to follow the rules for Customize Cookie Settings which allows you set up specific web sites to allow or block cookies. 

Visit the link to slide show and let me know if you have any questions.

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