Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Advertising Agencies

Here are some of the Advertising Agencies I have had the pleasure of working with over the years.

Thrive Internet Marketing
Toledo, Ohio

I have worked with Ian Hartten for close to 20 years.  Ian set me up with my first email address - Tuffy@primenet.com in 1995 (?).  Great web design, SEM, Social Media...  Ian's greatest asset is his digital strategy and understanding that building a web site is just the first step.  Let him show you how he has helped others generate revenue from their site... 

And he has his own money in the game...  Here are some of the sites/businesses he operates.

Giant Stuffed Animals
Swank Martini
Tony Packo

We're a full-service internet marketing firm with a passion for helping our clients stay ahead of the online curve. Thrive Internet Marketing’s elite team of experts, suite of products and solutions help you to cultivate your business online, propelling your success into the digital realm. With tools like web design and development, user-friendly content management systems, social media services, search engine optimization and more, Thrive Internet Marketing can give your company that edge it’s looking for.


Do Cross-Platform Campaigns Yield Results?

Easy answer.  "Nothing operates in a vacuum."  Yes.

The Law of Familiarity shows us that the first step in securing a new customer is that your brand must be familiar to them.  The  more familiar you are, the more likely they will give you a chance to do business with them.

Ever wonder why politicians spend so much just advertising their name.  What other "business" do you know that would use thousands of yard signs?  They know, especially for local to state elections, that research shows when a voter goes into the booth,  they will pull the lever for the name they recognize, regardless of whether or not they know what the candidate stands for.  Advertising works. 

Now which types of advertising work best...

The research showed that sales lift during the promotion was highest among those who had viewed the campaign on both TV and digital channels,...

Read more at http://www.emarketer.com/Article/Do-Cross-Platform-Campaigns-Yield-Results/1010317#JhjTRyqoOcggh6W2.99

Why Digital?

"The very best marketing comes from observing consumer behavior and inserting your message into their behavior."

Monday, October 21, 2013


Hispanic Research

Working in south Texas, keeping your finger on the pulse of the Hispanic market is important...

While overall sales to ethnic groups across the board have risen strongly since the 2008 financial downturn, US Hispanics have led the way. According to Polk sales figures, the overall market for new-vehicle sales in the US grew 9% between H1 2012 and H1 2013, while Hispanic sales grew 16% during the same period. All told, Hispanics spent $32.7 billion on new vehicles and leases in 2012.

Brands Can Look To Government To Respond To Hispanic Mobile Users
2013 has been the year of the Hispanic mobile user.  Study after study has confirmed that U.S. Hispanics are embracing mobile devices in record numbers and using them religiously.  The Federal Reserve recently found that 60% of Hispanics have smartphones vs. 50% of non-Hispanic whites. 

Smartphone, Tablet Uptake Still Climbing in the US
Smart phone penetration hits 74%. Hispanic hits 87%...
Read more at http://www.emarketer.com/Article/Smartphone-Tablet-Uptake-Still-Climbing-US/1010297#izBxoiqUjqfVpbQs.99

Hispanics Lead as Web Users Who Are Truly Mobile-First
"There is one group who over indexes considerably for using the mobile phone to access the internet: Hispanics." 


Google's ad prices are still sagging as marketers pay less for commercial pitches on mobile devices, but the number of revenue-generating clicks on those ads is rising at a much faster clip. The equation resulted in a 36% increase in Google's earnings for the three months ending in September.

Eating My (Key)Words:  Changing the Way We Think About SEO
... The truth is that search is heading in a direction that most of us could not have foreseen… a technically complex and varied amalgamation of platforms, devices, and inputs.

Hummingbird - the end of keyword marketing?
In September, the world’s leading search engine celebrated its 15th year. Google marked the occasion with the announcement of a major overhaul to their Search Algorithm – the secret sauce used by Google to scour the web to deliver your best query results.

Do Display Ads Influence Search?
We found that display ads have a significant impact on search applications, as well as clicks. The
majority of this spillover was not instant, but took effect only after two weeks.



Video Engagement On Mobile Almost Three Times Higher Than Desktop
The key findings include:
  • The average CTR for mobile campaigns (13.64%) is almost three times that of desktop (5.45%);
  • The average click-through-rate of mobile video campaigns has increased by 265.7% over the last four quarters, rising from 3.73% in Q4 2012 to 13.64% in Q3 2013;

The Top 7 Reasons Why Mobile Ads Don't Work

Dartmouth study sheds light on mobile vs. Web
  • The screen is too small...
  • People are just too busy for ads...
  • ...69 percent of respondents hate it that they cannot easily return to the content they were reading...
  • Too hard to get online with cell phones...
  • Per 54 percent, it's too frustrating when mobile consumption is interrupted
  • Ads take too long to load
  • Consumers are just not in the mood for ads
Smartphone, Tablet Uptake Still Climbing in the US
Smart phone penetration hits 74%. Hispanic hits 87%...

Hispanics Lead as Web Users Who Are Truly Mobile-First
"There is one group who overindexes considerably for using the mobile phone to access the internet: Hispanics." 

Research That Will Make a Difference

Or at the very least, it is interesting... 

If you are like me, you subscribe to a lot of newsletters and find it difficult to find "that" article when you need it.  I am going to attempt to develop a series of research libraries where you can find a collection of relevant articles in one repository...